Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello! It's nice to meet you...

Right off the bat, I have to explain the title of this blog lest you think I'm stuck on myself.  I was telling my husband the other day that I needed to start writing down all the events of my life that I can remember. Then I could pass it on to my grandchildren some day. (You notice I bypass my children, who are still young enough to think their mom is embarrassing). My grandchildren think I'm the best and really cool too!  But they aren't old enough to read yet, either.

Anyway, I told my husband I was going to put all my memories in a book and call it "My Life as a Nobody". He immediately said, "No, I wouldn't call it that. You're a somebody." So that's how it got the name, "The Life of a Somebody".   Everyday, or at least every once in awhile, I'm going to write about some of the happenings in my life.  It's really been a busy life and, if I do say so myself, pretty interesting at times.  Real life is so much more interesting than just can't make this stuff up!

More to come in the next few days...